한국어의 조사 (Prepositional particles in Korean)
한국어의 조사
(Prepositional particles in Korean)
I found it in Korean dictionary, but there was no exact translation for '조사'. There was postpostion in English
But I think the coneception of '조사' in Korean is a bit different from it.
So you'd better understand it as a Korean unique grammar.
(English translation of each grammatic term like 'A case particle', 'Connective prepositions' may confuse you,
so it would be better to recognize with Korean term. Regardless of what they translated in English, there are all 조사 in Korean.)
There are three kinds of p.p
1. 격조사 (A case particle : Preposition which indicates the case)
2. 접속조사 (Connective prepositions : connect two words with same case)
3. 보조사 (No translation : Particle which has meaning with itself)
(English translation from dictionary : explanation)
(We don't have preposition, i guess. Instead of them we use postpositional particle)
1. 격조사
1) 주격조사(Prepositional particle for nominative)
ex. 은/는, 이/가, 께서, 에서
: It indicates prevenient word is nominative.
2) 서술격 조사(Prepositional particle for verb)
ex. 이-, 이다.
(I said it is 'am', but it is classfied as 조사 in Korean. It functions as verb, but classfied as p.p. Weird..)
: Namuwiki explains like this.
It makes something to verb. With this 조사, noun can be verb.(Weird!)
When you say '나는 독일인이다', '독일인 + 이다' become a verb that means 'am German'
When you say '나는 배고프다', '배고프 + 다' become a verb that means 'am hungry'
It functions like verb in English and German, but as I said it is classified as a 조사 in Korean.
I know it would confuse you, please ask me if you didn't fully understand.
3) 관형격조사(Prepositional particle for genetive)
ex. 의
그것은 나의 컴퓨터이다.(That is my computer)
그것 = That
은 = '그것' is nominative
나 = I
의 = it indicates '나' is genetive, thus '나의' becomes 'my'
컴퓨터 = Computer
이다 = is
4) 목적격조사(Prepositional particle for accusative)
ex. 을/를/ㄹ
it's same as accusative case in German.
나는 저녁을 먹었다(I ate dinner)
나 = I
는 = '나' is nominative
저녁 = dinner
을 = 'dinner' is accusative
먹었다 = ate
5) 보격조사(Prepositional particle for complement)
ex. 이/가
It makes prevenient word as complement.
The form is same with 주격조사, but it's different.
보격조사 always needs '되다', '아니다' after itself.
나는 가수가 되었다 = I became a singer
나 = I
는 = I is nominative
가수 = a singer
가 = this is 보격조사, '가수' is a complement
되었다 = became
it's quite similar with accusative case. But in Korean we distinguish it.
with '되다(become)' or '아니다(it's not~)'
I guess it is similar with English grammar. There is complement.
In German, I didn't found complement. So you'd better find it in English grammar.
6) 부사격조사(Prepositional particle for adverb)
ex. 에/에게(to someone), 에서/서(at), 보다(than), 로(as), 로서, 로써, 와/과(with), 으로(to somewhere), 라/라고
It contains dative, but it is much wider conception.
It contains some prepositions. We don't actually have prespositions. instead of that, we use 조사.
2. 접속조사
ex. 와/과, 하고, 이며, 에다, (이)랑
사과와 바나나 (Apple and Banana)
사과 = apple
와 = and
바나나 = Banana
너랑 나 (You and me)
너 = you
랑 = and
나 = me
: it connect two words which have same case.
3. 보조사
1) 도
2) 부터
3) 까지, 마저, 조차
까지 : until
마저 : it shows that the previenent noun is the only one left.
조차 : it means, I'm containing extreme case
4) 야, 야말로
meaning of emphasizing
5) 나
meaning of comparison, complaint, emphasizing
these are all from Namuwiki. I just translated the document in there, and just added some explanation.
I didn't majored Korean grammar, thus there are something wrong with it.
Please let me know if something's wrong, I'll search about it and rewrite this document.
독일인 친구에게 '나는 독일인이다' 가 다음과 같이 해석된다고 설명해줬더니
나 = I
는 = just shows that I is a subject
독일인 = German
이다 = am
왜 ' 나는 ' 이 ' I'm ' 아니냐고 물어보길래 한국어의 격과 조사에 대해 설명해주기 위해 작성한 글입니다.
저도 한국어 문법을 이렇게 공부해보는건 처음이라... 나무위키를 보고 참고해서 썼는데 혹시 잘못된 부분이 있으면 지적해주세요!
한국어의 격과 조사에 대해 설명할 수 있는 더 좋은 방법에 대해서도 혹시 알고 계시면 알려주세요!
알아보고 바로 수정하겠습니다! 감사해요!!